Produse pentru la logistică (1890)

Gestionarea datelor despre produse în comerțul electronic

Gestionarea datelor despre produse în comerțul electronic

Efficiently manage your e-commerce product data with our comprehensive services. We provide accurate data entry, categorization, and multilingual support to ensure your products are always displayed correctly and attractively.
Soluții de depozitare și stocare

Soluții de depozitare și stocare

Des solutions d'entreposage et de stockage sécurisées dans toute l'Europe, adaptées à vos besoins logistiques.
Descărcarea containerelor și plasarea pe paleți - Servicii logistice

Descărcarea containerelor și plasarea pe paleți - Servicii logistice

LSR Logistique offers you a service adapted to your expectations, in particular by offering the unloading of containers and palletizing.
Transport cu două etaje - Transport rutier

Transport cu două etaje - Transport rutier

Double-deck transport is a smart and cost-efficient way of getting the most from your shipment. With extra levels of available space in our trucks, we transport considerably larger cargo volumes while improving your logistical efficiency. Eliminate the risk of damage through stacking, save transport costs and a loading bay. Reduce your ecological footprint.
GESTIONAREA DEPOZITULUI - Cea mai bună logistică aproape de tine 2024

GESTIONAREA DEPOZITULUI - Cea mai bună logistică aproape de tine 2024

We offer comprehensive services for improved warehouse management. This enhances storage, checks inventory, and optimizes processes for maximum efficiency.
Echipamente de ridicare - Logistică aeroportuară - Îngrijire și asamblare a avioanelor

Echipamente de ridicare - Logistică aeroportuară - Îngrijire și asamblare a avioanelor

Lödige Industries has more than 70 years’ experience in heavy goods lifting. Our Aircraft lifting equipment is known for its reliability, accuracy and durability. Reliable equipment for raising staff to the aircraft to enable your team to work on the undercarriage, access the cabin and all assembly areas. Mobile or fixed Lödige lifting platforms ease and speed up the painting of aircrafts. We have also developed lifting equipment for working on the aircraft interior.
Transport și Expediție

Transport și Expediție

EL ROMANO TRANSPORT AND FORWARDING We specialize mainly in the Transport and Forwarding of ADR goods throughout Europe, West Asia and North Africa We know that ADR loads require special attention, that's why Our Rolling Stock, Drivers and Forwarders due to the nature of the company are additionally trained in Safety First ! Our main directions are Italy, Spain, Portugal and also Great Britain! Our organization of transport means choosing a Professional and Reliable Logistics Partner The main car of our company are cars of the SOLO and BUS type in EL ROMANO there are no wheel or traffic jam malfunctions, and every call is answered! A dispatcher is on duty every day at EL ROMANO, so you can always count on support in urgent shipments | 24 h / 7 THAT’S HOW WE WORK ! From the place of pickup to the destination, each transport is supervised by one forwarder We inform you 3 times a day about the current position of the car and the approximate delivery time (ETA)
Logistică de Tert

Logistică de Tert

Midolini F.lli S.p.A. è attiva nel mondo dei servizi di logistica conto terzi, meglio noti come 3PL. Da diversi anni l’Azienda fornisce i suoi servizi in ambito industriale in particolare nei settori Oil & Gas e siderurgico. La Società è in possesso di un ampio parco mezzi con sollevatori di diverse dimensioni e tipi, anche elettrici e di un vasto know how che deriva dalla molteplicità delle attività svolte nelle diverse commesse. L’Azienda fornisce anche il servizio di magazzino e picking nelle strutture di proprietà. In aggiunta viene anche fornito il servizio di nolo dei diversi mezzi, con o senza operatore, anche per interventi di piccole dimensioni e breve durata.
Transport de marfă standard

Transport de marfă standard

Delivery of standard cargo by the JENTY fleet of vehicles primarily means safety, reliability and speed. Such transportation is carried out in tautliners or all-metal semi-trailers, which ensure protection from adverse external effects under any climatic conditions. TRANSPORT CAPABILITIES •The diversity of JENTY’s fleet of vehicles allows you to select the best offers taking into account the nature of the cargo and the requirements for loading and unloading operations. •We offer delivery of standard cargo in: - standard 90 m³ semi-trailers; - 100 m³ DOUBLE DECK type semi-trailers allowing compact arrangement of non-stackable cargo in several tiers. Both side and upper loading is allowed; omegatrailers with an internal volume of 100 m³, 110 m³ long semi-trailers (16.3 meters) with the possibility of transporting up to 40 Euro-pallets and bulky cargo; oall-metal semi-trailers ensuring maximum protection of cargo from unauthorized impact.
Expediere Privată / Bunuri de Mutare

Expediere Privată / Bunuri de Mutare

Ob Paketversand oder Umzugsgüter – wir transportieren es gerne per Luft oder See. Auch Privatkunden können unseren Service in Anspruch nehmen. Ob Paketversand oder Umzugsgüter – wir transportieren es gerne per Luft oder See. Bitte um Beachtung – seit Mai 2014 sind Privatgüter und Umzugsgüter ab einem Wert von 1000 EUR Anmeldepflichtig beim Zoll – hier können zusätzliche Kosten entstehen!
Relocări de Afaceri

Relocări de Afaceri

Betriebliche Umzüge bedürfen einer exakten Planung, damit so wenig Produktionszeit als möglich verloren geht.
ASN Transport-Paris, serviciul dumneavoastră de transport pentru evenimente în Paris

ASN Transport-Paris, serviciul dumneavoastră de transport pentru evenimente în Paris

Spécialiste du transport et de la logistique événementielle à Paris et en Île de France, nous proposons à nos clients partout en France des solutions de transport sur-mesure couvrant l'ensemble de leurs besoins. Les événements et la logistique événementielle d'entreprise sont une partie importante et non-négligeable dans la vie de votre société, quelle que soit son envergure. Ils représentent de l'organisation, du travail et de nombreux paramètre doivent être pris en compte. Nous sommes là pour vous aider à optimiser vos déplacements et à vous accompagner à la réalisation de vos projets événementiels.
Transport Maritim - Soluții de Logistică Maritimă

Transport Maritim - Soluții de Logistică Maritimă

Wir navigieren Ihre Fracht sicher ans Ziel Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der Seefracht mit CONTI-TRANS, Ihrem Navigator für sichere, effiziente und termingerechte Transporte über die Weltmeere. Als Ihr zuverlässiger Partner kooperieren wir weltweit mit renommierten Reedereien und einem weitreichenden Netzwerk an Partnern. Unser Ziel ist es, für Sie eine optimale und individuelle Lösung zu finden. Mit innovativen Konzepten gewährleisten wir einen sicheren, kosteneffizienten und termingerechten Transport Ihrer Seefrachtsendungen. Dabei liegt uns nicht nur die Wirtschaftlichkeit, sondern auch der Einklang von Ökonomie und Ökologie am Herzen. Neben dem konventionellen Straßentransport setzen wir verstärkt auf nachhaltige Alternativen wie Bahn und Binnenschifffahrt. Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere umfassenden Leistungen in den Bereichen FCL (Full Container Load), LCL (Less than Container Load), Breakbulk und RoRo (Roll-on/Roll-off).


Vertrauen, das sicher und gut ankommt Jede Woche haben wir mehrere Abfahrten von und nach Europa in die Türkei, den Kaukasus und den Nahen Osten. Ob eine Palette oder Komplettladungen, Ihre Sendungen sind bei uns in guten Händen. Unser Fuhrpark besteht aus Planensatteln aller Art und Größe, Coilmulde, Frigo/Thermo LKWs und Textilkoffern, sodass wir Güter jeglicher Art fachgerecht befördern können.
Proiecte - Logistica companiei dumneavoastră nu se potrivește nevoilor dumneavoastră?

Proiecte - Logistica companiei dumneavoastră nu se potrivește nevoilor dumneavoastră?

Nos adaptamos a las necesidades de nuestros clientes con proyectos logísticos dedicados y a medida: - Diseño de nuevos almacenes - Remodelación de almacenes existentes - Diseño de rutas de distribución - Reconfiguración de rutas de distribución existentes - Sistemas de gestión: demanda, inventarios, almacén (SGA/WMS), booking de carga y descarga, rutas - Sistemas de identificación de productos - Logística para e-commerce - Plan logístico para Start-up’s y nuevas empresas
Servicii de Modă și eFulfillment - Modă. Logistică, eFulfillment și altele

Servicii de Modă și eFulfillment - Modă. Logistică, eFulfillment și altele

Der Fashion- und eFulfillmentdienstleister FASHION logistics wurde 1987 in Niedersachsen gegründet. Das mittelständische Unternehmen unterhält 2 Logistikstandorte mit direkter Autobahnanbindung und 20.000 qm Kommissionier- und Lagerfläche inkl. einem vollautomatischen Hochregallager. Die Retourenabwicklung von Fashionartikel wird inkl. Textilaufbereitung, eigene Näherei und weiteren Fachabteilungen angeboten. 250 Teamplayer sorgen für ein professionelles eFulfillment für Kunden aus den Branchen Textil, Schuhe, Lederwaren, Merchandising, Spielwaren und Sport- und Lifestyle-Artikel.
serviciu de depozitare

serviciu de depozitare

servizio di magazzinaggio
Servicii de modă și eFulfillment - Modă. Logistică, Îndeplinirea E-Commerce și altele

Servicii de modă și eFulfillment - Modă. Logistică, Îndeplinirea E-Commerce și altele

Seit mehr als 30 Jahren bietet die FASHION logistics GmbH für die Branchen Textil, Schuhe, Lederwaren, Merchandising und Spielwaren sowie für Sport- und Lifestyle-Produkte ein professionelles eFulfillment an. Fashion-Onlineshops profitieren von unserem Service inkl. der Textilaufbereitung, Fleckenentfernung und die Reparatur und Mängelbeseitigung.
Transport de Tranzit

Transport de Tranzit

Barva Lojistik has trucks and trailers fleet and experiences in road freight, we have expended our destination to be more fruitful and various based on customers’ satisfactions and need. We deliver from/to Europe to/from Middle East, Caucasus, Central Asia with direct trucks and transshipment options. Barva Lojistik provides Transit Transportation to Iraq, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Syria and many countries in those area. Our Destinations: Departures from Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Netherland, France, England, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovakia, Hungary, Czechia, Poland, Macedonia, Greece, Romania, Ukraine, Russia Arrivals in Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and other countries in CIS & Middle East regions.
Serviciu / Transport

Serviciu / Transport

In Abstimmung mit Ihnen beliefern wir Sie mit unseren Logistikdienstleistern und Spediteuren - bei geringeren Entfernungen mit unserem eigenen Fahrzeugen (Transporter u. LKW 7,5 to).
Logistică / expediere Management logistic - Management logistic

Logistică / expediere Management logistic - Management logistic

Logistics management The useful addition to production We supplement our product range for our customers with our logistics services. After production, we take care of the palletizing, labeling and packaging of the goods produced. If necessary, we provide appropriate exchange containers such as collapsible and stackable full metal boxes. Stay flexible and reduce costs By storing finished products in our warehouses our clients gain flexibility, because we guarantee full availability. At the same time our logistically favourably-positioned logistics locations reduce distribution costs for our customers. As additional services we offer our customers a fully comprehensive shipment management, including complete export formalities. Areas of application Storage of Big Bags Storage of palletized bagged goods Storage of drum containers Storage of produced goods and dispatch management for export Sample shipping / sample pattern fillings Shipments of single bags of palletized goods P
Logistica Cărților

Logistica Cărților

Lagerung, kommissionieren, konfektionieren, Displaybau und europaweite Distribution von Büchern


ASAF NAKLİYAT olarak İstanbul’dan Ankara‘ya yaptığımız Taşımalarda pratik Nakliye ve Ambar çözümleri üreterek müşteri memnuniyetini ön planda tutmaktayız.Bu anlamda çalışmalarımızı şirketlerin talepleri doğrultusunda şekillendirip ihtiyaç duyulan nakliye ve ambar hizmetini eksiksiz bir şekilde sizlere sunmayı hedefliyoruz .İstanbul Ankara arası günlük Nakliyat ve Ambar taşımacılığı yapıp firma ve şirketlerin acil nakliye ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaktayız.Sizde İstanbul Ankara arası çalışan nakliyat ambarı,Ankara merkez ve ilçelerine sevkiyat yapan taşıma firması yada Ankara’ya giden nakliyeci arıyorsanız Asaf Nakliyat 7/24 hizmetinizde.Nakliyelerimiz sigortalı ve fiyatlarımız uygundur.İstanbulun tüm ilçelerinden nakliye araçları ile aldığımız yükleri depolarımıza getiriyor ve ambar personelimiz tarafından nakliye takip programına giriyoruz.Yapılan kontrollerde güzergahı aynı olan yükleri aynı ambar kamyonuna yüklüyor Ankara’ya sevk ediyoruz.Ankara Ambar teslimat süremiz bir gündür.
Ambalare și Expediere

Ambalare și Expediere

Drucken zu können ist die eine Sache. Es am richtigen Tag, am richtigen Ort, in der richtigen Menge und Version unbeschadet ausgeliefert zu haben, eine andere. Als Lieferant, auch großer Einzelhandelsketten, ist genau dies unsere tägliche Aufgabe: ob Paket, Einzelpalette oder ganzer LKW, kleinteiligste Konfektionierung komplexer Großaufträge, versionsgenaue und termingerechte Anlieferung - wir finden für Sie den günstigsten und zuverlässigsten Weg. Die bundesweite und internationale Zusammenarbeit mit allen Verlagen und Beilagen-Verteilorganisationen sowie preisgünstigster Paketversand in kleinsten Mengen ist für uns selbstverständlich. Wir bieten hohe Kompetenz und Schnelligkeit, auch bei großen und komplexen Versandanforderungen.
Livrare - Logistică și asamblare

Livrare - Logistică și asamblare

Delivery The organisation and realisation of large-volume modular unit transportation is our metier. Thousands of stations and modular units leave our plants every year and are delivered reliably and safely to their destinations. Transporation of modular units with dimensions up to 4.20 m in width or up to 12 m in length and with a height of over 3.60 m is part and parcel of our daily business. Although this is routine for us, enormous care is exercised and safety taken extremely seriously, beginning with safe loading and continuing during farsighted planning of the route. Our five production locations provide nationwide coverage, thus short transportation routes also help preserve the environment and avoid long journeys. We can also reliably deliver your module in practically any kind of weather - and fit it out in advance in our plant if desired. Whether our products are prepared to facilitate installation, or delivery and installation as a turnkey solution: we also provide...
LOGISTICA E-COMMERCE - Externalizarea Logisticii

LOGISTICA E-COMMERCE - Externalizarea Logisticii

Logistique pour la vente en ligne VOUS VENDEZ, NOUS LIVRONS Augmentez la satisfaction de vos clients, gardez le contrôle et économisez votre temps. Nous vous accompagnons sur l’ensemble de votre chaîne logistique. RÉCEPTION DES MARCHANDISES •Intégration EDI •Déchargement •Référencement sur zones de stockage CROSS DOCKING •Transfert immédiat des marchandises prioritaires du quai de réception au quai d’expédition, sans stockage GESTION DES ENTREPÔTS •1.500m2 équipés et sécurisés •Gestion WMS GESTION DES STOCKS •Optimisation des flux •Inventaire permanent •Gestion WMS PICKING •Fulfillment MISE EN LIVRAISON En ligne ou par téléphone, nous sommes à votre disposition pour répondre à toutes vos questions
Logistică, JIS/JIT

Logistică, JIS/JIT

Nous proposons des solutions sur mesure. Stockage en mono client ou multi client, cross-docking, picking, copacking, dédouanement, etc… La gestion partielle ou complète de votre logistique en JIT/JIS, s’appuyant sur notre expérience du métier, des outils et réseaux informatiques. Avec notre WMS ou avec le système du client, Altrans s’adapte à la demande.
Transporturi Speciale și Grele

Transporturi Speciale și Grele

WIMMER verfügt über Spezial-Sattelzugmaschinen mit Leistungen bis zu 800PS. Für den Transport stehen alle Arten von Sattelaufliegern Semi- und Tiefbettauflieger zur Verfügung.
Recrutor Logistic în România - De ce să recrutezi lucrători în România?

Recrutor Logistic în România - De ce să recrutezi lucrători în România?

Vous êtes une entreprise française dans le secteur de la logistique et vous avez besoin de recruter du personnel ? Intermann, agence de travailleurs détachés franco-roumaine, vous aide à recruter des travailleurs temporaires roumains qualifiés. C’est légal !:Tout employeur français peut légalement employer des travailleurs roumains dans son entreprise Des travailleurs formés pour la France:Intermann sélectionne des travailleurs roumains qui ont été formés pour travailler en France et parl
Serviciu de curierat - național și internațional

Serviciu de curierat - național și internațional

Verstuur uw pakketten met de grootst mogelijke spoed door heel Europa. Onze koerier haalt uw spoedzending op en rijdt daarmee rechtstreeks naar de ontvangen. Dit doen wij 24u per dag en alle dagen van het jaar.